This is an LIVE example of what I like to call, the 'dig deep' method of finding the right music. Because getting the music wrong, can be ruinous for a video.
In this edit, I wanted to create an expectation with my audience. And wanted some tension too. But it was a light-hearted scene, so too much tension could easily be misplaced. And that would set the wrong mood. But I was also eager about what was confronting me. So what I had to deal with were several conflicting emotions. And because music has such a profound effect on the audience's emotions, getting an already mixed up emotion right with the choice of music was going to be a challenge.
This is an actual live editing event. It's not rehearsed and not planned. I literally sat down to edit my video, and within a few minutes realised that this was going to make a good teaching moment. This is my favourite part of the filmmaking process, and for me, the rewards of a good edit are...
I love teaching. started in 2015 with a single course. We now offer six dedicated courses to filmmakers in 135 countries. We peaked this month with 22 000 students. To honor you all, it's time (long overdue) that I produce a regular blog. It will always include a teaching moment from my filmmaking as I produce my regular adventure travel show. The video above is one such example. The lesson comes from our brand-new course to be released in September '21: FROM STILL PHOTOGRAPHER TO FILMMAKER. I will email you when the full course is released.
To access more lessons like this one I suggest you begin by taking advantage of any one of our free offers.
If you don't like what you see, we won't hound you to sell you stuff. Filmmaking should be at your pace.
My main job is to provide the encouragement.
Enjoy the show.
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